These magical creatures guidance cards are similar to a tarot deck, yet different because they focus on bridging spirituality and business. These guidance cards share messages from the universe with you so you can improve your mindset, your business, and the adventures you can have in life. These cards will activate your spiritual gifts to guide you to grow your income and impact to a whole new level. There are 52 cards, with 4 different colored backgrounds, and each card has a different creature that offers a message on it from the universe.
How to use the cards is simple: whenever you feel called in the morning, at night, during the day, or even once a week, you shuffle the cards and pull a card, whatever message you receive is exactly what the universe desires you to hear. These cards will guide you to improve your state of being, business, and life by guiding you to experience the next layer of miracles, impact, and success that are available for you. There are 4 colors within the cards. When you pull a pink card, the Universe is asking you to focus on your mindset. When you pull an orange card, the Universe is asking you to focus on adventure and travel. When you pull a blue card, the Universe is asking you to focus on business. When you pull a violet card, the Universe is asking you to focus on impact. These cards will guide you to start experiencing life in a way that you never knew was possible. Moments that seemed impossible become possible. We are so excited to be here with you co-creating this moment and guiding you to empower yourself to create a world beyond your wildest dreams through the messages these cards will deliver to you.
These are great cards for kids to play with a receive positive affirmations.
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Magical Creatures Oracle Deck
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